Walt Disney World
Convention and Trade Shows Division
Freeman Decorating/ Arata / Shepard / Heritage
Dave Concannon started working Part-time at UPS in 1983. In 1986 became a Full-Time Driver at UPS. Dave was a long time shop steward for UPS Drivers. He continued as Shop Steward and Driver until February 2002 when he began working as a Full-Time Business Agent at Local 385.
Denys got involved with the Labor Movement in 2017, when she spent a year volunteering to sign up Cast Members at Traditions. She took the next step into the field by officially representing hospitality workers, CNA’s, and store workers as a Business Agent. During her time she has organized different locations, assisted in contract negotiations and ratified contracts across the State of Florida. In January 2022, she joined the Teamsters Local 385, when she became the Business Agent for the Entertainment Department at Walt Disney World. Fluent in four languages, Denys is always looking for a way to reach out and connect with the workers she represents. Denys believes building relationships at the individual level best guides her to truly represent the needs of the groups she serves.
Walt Disney World Grievance/ Arbitration Coordinator
WDW Craft Maintenance
WDW Laundry
WDW Swan/Dolphin
Buena Vista Construction
ABF Freight
Howard Fertilizer
Bechtel Construction
Linde, Inc.
Avis Budget CSR2
Budget Keyloaders
MV Transportation
Sealy Mattress